2.7" OLED
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2.7 inch 20P OLED Module SSD1325 IC 128*64
2.7 inch 20P OLED Module SSD1325 IC 128*64
Size: 2.7 inch Display Mode: Passive Matrix Display Color: Yellow Drive Duty: 1/64 Duty

2.7 inch 30P SPI White/Yellow OLED SSD1325 128*64
2.7 inch 30P SPI White/Yellow OLED SSD1325 128*64
Size: 2.7 inch Display Mode: Passive Matrix Display Color: Yellow or White (please choose and remark when buying)

2.7 inch 30P Yellow/White/Green OLED SSD1305
2.7 inch 30P Yellow/White/Green OLED SSD1305
Size: 2.7 inch Display Mode: Passive Matrix Display Color: Yellow or White or Green (please choose and remark when buying)

2.7 inch 7PIN SPI OLED Module SSD1325 128*64
2.7 inch 7PIN SPI OLED Module SSD1325 128*64
Size: 2.7 inch Active Area: 61.41*30.69mm Module Size: 85*50mm Resolution: 128*64 Drive IC: SSD1325

IPS 2.7 inch 7P SPI White OLED Module SSD1322 IC 256*64
IPS 2.7 inch 7P SPI White OLED Module SSD1322 IC 2
Size: 2.7 inch Material: Active Area: 66.53*16.61mm Module Size: 82.0*27.5mm Display Siz

IPS 2.7 inch 12PISPI White OLED Screen SSD1322 IC 256*64
IPS 2.7 inch 12PISPI White OLED Screen SSD1322 IC
Size: 2.7 inch Material: Active Area: 66.53*16.61mm Module Size: 72.0*25.5mm Resolution:

2.7 inch 31P White/Blue/Yellow/Green OLED COG SSD1309
2.7 inch 31P White/Blue/Yellow/Green OLED COG SSD1
Size: 2.7 inch Module Size: 73.0*41.86mm Active Area: 63.41*32.69mm Resolution: 128*64 D

2.7" 22P White OLED SPD0301 SPI/I2C/Parallel 128*6
Size: 2.6 inch Active Area: 58.85*29.41mm Module Size: 64.61*37.0*2.02mm Resolution: 128*64 Drive IC: SPD0301 Dot Pitch: 0.46*0.4

Arduino 2.7 inch 10P SPI Yellow OLED SSD1325
Arduino 2.7 inch 10P SPI Yellow OLED SSD1325
Size: 2.7 inch Color: Yellow Type: Monochrome 16 gray Drive IC: SSD1305

IPS 2.7 inch 30P Yellow OLED Screen SSD1322 IC 128*64
IPS 2.7 inch 30P Yellow OLED Screen SSD1322 IC 128
Size: 2.7 inch Material: PM OLED Active Area: 61.41*30.69mm Module Size: 73.00*41.86*2.00mm Resolution: 128*64 Drive IC: SSD1322

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