1 onboard SYN6288 embedded Chinese speech synthesis chip, high-end speech synthesis chips, through asynchronous serial port to receive the synthesis text, get to speech (TTS) conversion
2 natural, clear, accurate Chinese speech synthesis effect, and can be Chinese arbitrary text synthesis, synthesis support English letters
3 support GB2312, GBK, BIG5 and UNICODE code format
4 supports a variety of control commands, including: synthesis, stop, pause synthesis, continue synthesis and change baud rate etc.
5 support serial data communication interface, support three baud rate: 9600bps, 19200bps, 38400bps
6 support the sleep function, in sleep mode power consumption can be reduced, supports a variety of ways to query the chip working state
7 supports 16 volume adjustment, prospect the playback volume text and background music volume can be separated from the background control
8.PCB board size: 18.2 (mm) x39.8 (mm)