The FT245 EVAL BOARD provides a high-performance cost-effective solution for USB TO 8-BIT FIFO. It is based on the FT245RL chip and will hopefully allow to try out the full potential of the FT245 device before using it in your prototype.
FT245 Features
The FT245RL is a USB to parallel FIFO interface device which simplifies USB to FIFO designs and reduces external component count by fully integrating an external EEPROM, USB termination resistors and an integrated clock circuit which requires no external crystal, into the device. It has been designed to operate efficiently with a USB host controller by using as little as possible of the total USB bandwidth available.
Functional Integration
Asynchronous Bit Bang Mode
Synchronous Bit Bang Mode
High Output Drive Option.
Programmable FIFO RX Buffer Timeout
Powered from USB bus or external power supply
USBPWRJMP: jumper for selecting USB or external power supply source, short it for USB and open it for external
VCC, GND pin headers:
When USBPWRJMP is opened, the board should be powered from external supply, use them for power input
When USBPWRJMP is shorted, the board is powered from USB bus, use them for power output
Voltage level is configurable via on-board jumper, VCC or 3.3V
Onboard Chips
FT245RL, USB to parallel FIFO interface device
ATtiny2313, 8-bit AVR® Microcontroller with 2K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash
USB connector
6-pin ISP programming port
Human to Machine Interface
8 data displaying LEDs
WR_EN, RD_EN: Read/Write enable port, which is connected to MCU pins
TEST_WR, TEST_RD#: Read/Write test port, which is connected to MCU pins
Connect TEST_WR to WR pin of the FT245, sending data to the PC
Connect TEST_RD# to RD# pin of the FT245, receiving data to the PC
Controlling port of the FT245 are connected to pin headers, convenient for development
Development Resources
1 User Guide CD(oftware, drivers, and examples)
2 Schematic Circuit Diagram: designed by using PROTEL99; provides IMG format or Protel SchDoc format
3 Drivers: FTDI's royalty-free Virtual Com Port (VCP) driver; direct (D2XX) driver
4 Examples: AVR MCU controlling examples in C
5 Related Software: Ultra Serial Port Monitor - 30 DAYS DEMO
6 Datasheets of the chips
1*USB Cable
2*4-pin wire
2*2-pin wire