M4011 Geiger Counter Module
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Price: US$48.80   Submit a wholesale Inquiry


1) 5V power supply, or 3x 1.5V battery, 4x 1.2V battery, current: 12mA -30mA

2) For the detection of gamma rays from 20mR/h to 120mR/h γ-rays and 100-1800 off variable  · cm 2 soft β rays used.

3) Sound and light alarm

4) Interrupt output interface, can then be displayed on the LCD connected to the microcontroller via this interface.

5) A-rdunio compatible

6) Size: 118 mm X63

7) Weight: 150g

8) Support M4011, STS-5, SBM20, J305 etc.

9) Support 330V-600V working voltage


Detailed list

1* welding good Geiger counter

1* Geiger tube (M4011)

1* power line

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