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1000M Ethernet interface
1Gbit DDR3
High speed USB 2.0 interface
500M camera module
16bit VGA interface
USB to serial
SD card seat
40P Extended port
JTAG Debugger interface
Onboard Information 1 FPGA XC6SLX16 2 DDR3 1Gbit 3 FLASH 128Mbit 4 USB to serial 5 High speed USB 2.0 interface 6 VGA interface 7 Gigabit Ethernet interface 8 Camera interface 9 The 40Pin Extended port 10 SD card socket 11 RTC DS1302 12 The 4 Independent key press + reset key 13 Power interface 14 Power switch 15 JTAG interface 16 EEPROM 24LCD04 17 The 50M Active Crystal Oscillator 18 USB to serial chip CP2102 19 The 1000M network RTL8211 20 USB chip CY7C68013 Shipping List 1* FPGA Board 1* Mini USB Line 1* Acrylic Shell 1* 5V Power